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By Lune Tea

6 properties of Yerba mate

For most people, the morning ritual is associated with brewing a cup of coffee or tea. In some parts of the world, a drink with an exotic name - Yerba mate - is also popular. Yerba mate is the dried leaves of a plant originating from South America, mainly found in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. This magical brew is said to deliver "the power of coffee, the health benefits of tea and the joy of eating chocolate."

The indigenous people of South America called mate "the drink of the gods". And not without reason - this plant has many benefits for both mental and physical health, which is confirmed by numerous studies.

Yerba mate - what is it?

Yerba mate is a herbal infusion made from the leaves and twigs of a plant called Ilex paraguariensis - found in South America. Traditionally, the leaves are dried at high temperature over fire and then brewed in hot water to prepare an infusion.

In South American countries, consuming Yerba mate has a symbolic meaning - it can be compared to the Japanese ritual of brewing tea. Drinking Yerba Mate is more than just drinking the infusion - it is a ritual that builds friendship and tightens interpersonal bonds, often being a social event. Traditionally, yerba mate is consumed from a cup called a gourd using a metal straw with a filter at the lower end that strains out leaf fragments.

The popularity of Yerba mate in Europe has increased significantly in recent years, but for many people this infusion still seems to be something very exotic. The situation is completely different in Argentina, where mate is consumed by as many as 98% of households. In other countries, such as Uruguay or Brazil, we can also often meet people walking down the street with a cup of Yerba Mate in their hands.

One Yerba mate is, above all, a drink with extraordinary properties for the human body!

Properties of Yerba mate

1. Rich in antioxidants and nutritional properties.

Yerba Mate is a rich source of many nutrients found in plants, such as:

  • Polyphenols: A popular group of antioxidants, also abundant in green tea and berries. Polyphenols effectively contribute to reducing the occurrence of various diseases, such as: they have anticancer and antiviral properties;
  • Xanthines: a group of chemical compounds that act as stimulants. These include caffeine, which gives energy;
  • Saponins: a group of compounds with anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties.

Interestingly, Yerba mate has slightly greater antioxidant power than the popular green tea! All thanks to the high content of polyphenols.

2. Energy boost and improved concentration.

Most people associate Yerba mate with an alternative to coffee and an energy boost. And rightly so, because a cup of infusion contains as much as 85 mg of caffeine. A cup of coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine, while black tea contains about 50 mg. So if you feel tired, mate will be a good choice. However, remember to exercise moderation with your daily caffeine intake. However, despite the energy boost, coffee also causes irritability and tremors in many people. Research shows that consuming Yerba Mate improves alertness and short-term concentration - but without the feeling of anxiety typical of coffee consumption.

3. Improving physical fitness.

Caffeine also helps to improve muscle performance and reduce the feeling of fatigue, thus improving sports performance. In one study, people who took a supplement with ground Yerba mate before training burned as much as 24% more fat during exercise! Moreover, this plant helps conserve carbohydrate reserves in the body, which is why many athletes consume mate to increase their physical performance.

4. Acceleration of metabolism and fat burning.

Research shows that yerba mate can help reduce appetite and speed up metabolism, which often translates into weight loss. A 3-month study of overweight people given 3 grams of ground yerba mate powder daily showed that they lost an average of over 0.5 kg. Their amount of body fat also decreased. In turn, people receiving a placebo gained on average over 2.5 kg over the same period of time!

5. Protection against infections.

Yerba mate may also help prevent infections with bacteria, parasites and fungi. Research suggests that the compounds in this magical plant can prevent the growth of the fungus responsible for flaky skin, including dandruff and some skin rashes. In addition, these compounds may also provide some type of protection against intestinal parasites.

6. Support for the immune system.

Yerba mate is a source of chemical compounds called saponins - with high anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it also provides small amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and zinc - which support the strengthening of the immune system (and also help maintain the young and healthy appearance of the skin).

Yerba mate is definitely a plant that has a magical effect on the human body. However, you should remember that, like most plants, its consumption also has side effects. Especially for people who drink coffee every day, remember to drink mate in moderation - it is a large dose of caffeine.

1. Yerba Mate Tea (Ilex paraguariensis): a comprehensive review on chemistry, health implications, and technological considerations
2. Polyphenolic compounds, antioxidant capacity, and quinone reductase activity of an aqueous extract of Ardisia compressa in comparison to mate (Ilex paraguariensis) and green (Camellia sinensis) teas
3. Yerba Maté (Illex Paraguariensis) ingestion augments fat oxidation and energy expenditure during exercise at various submaximal intensities
4. Anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) in C57BL/6J mice fed a high-fat diet
5. Review: Free radicals, antioxidants, and the immune system
