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  • Small Rituals, Big Meaning

    Lune Tea celebrates small rituals with a big meaning. The source of your serenity and ease. Natural ingredients and magical moments, contained in every cup. Our infusions are thoughtful compositions of functional ingredients, meaning that each tea acts like a natural remedy - inside out.

  • Harmony of Body, Feelings and Thoughts

    Body, feelings, thoughts - the harmony we search for marks the foundation of a conscious, fulfilled life. The joy of busking in the first rays of summer sun, the aromatic taste of dried herbs. Gratitude for the current moment that inspires mindful appreciation.

Weronika - The Founder

At Lune Tea, we believe that beauty and magic lurk in everyday moments of mindfulness. The idea for Lune came up in very similar circumstances. We wanted to define a new, healthy ritual that will derive from the power and functionality of natural ingredients. But Lune Tea is more than that. We are strong supporters of holistic care that strengthens our bodies, souls and minds. Our teas were imagined to bring you closer to yourself and nature, infusing every moment with meaning and joy.

Some of the most important things...


    As each of our infusions relies on natural goodness, we feel committed to prioritising eco-friendly solutions. We have eliminated plastic from our production process, opting for cardboard and vacuum cans that can be easily reused. The thin layer of foil inside our packaging is the only exception - for the moment, it’s the only way to maintain the taste and quality of our teas for a long time.


    Though we truly appreciate the beauty of the full moon on a dark night, it cannot compare with the magic of our natural ingredients. We use the highest quality tea blends, herbs and adaptogens and we eliminate artificial flavour enhancers. The vast majority of our ingredients come from certified organic farms - that’s why our teas taste so good and pure.


    It might seem that a harmonious lifestyle is accessible to a lucky few but we think differently. Conscious, informed decisions, everyday mindfulness and healthy rituals are sources of balance, pleasure and self-care that you (definitely) deserve.


    Our definition of mindfulness was inspired by all things local. Lune Tea’s infusions are produced in Poland, using the best raw materials from China and India. The blends are created at a small, Polish herb manufacturer so that we can always keep an eye on the quality.

Knowledge base

  • Blue Matcha, czyli sproszkowana klitoria – czym jest i czym różni się od tradycyjnej matchy?

    Blue Matcha, czyli sproszkowana klitoria – czym jest i czym różni się od tradycyjnej matchy?

    Blue Matcha, czyli sproszkowana klitoria – czym jest i czym różni się od tradycyjnej matchy?   Matcha to jeden z najbardziej cenionych rodzajów herbaty na świecie, kojarzony głównie z intensywnie zielonym kolorem i Japonią. I prawidłowo - matcha to nic...

  • Czym dokładnie jest matcha – sproszkowana zielona herbata z Japonii?

    Czym dokładnie jest matcha – sproszkowana zielona herbata z Japonii?

    Samo słowo matcha (抹茶) pochodzi z języka japońskiego i składa się z dwóch znaków kanji:   - 抹 (ma) – oznacza „ścierać”, „rozcierać” lub „mielić”,   - 茶 (cha) – oznacza „herbatę”.   Dosłownie „matcha” można więc przetłumaczyć jako „mielona...

  • Święta bazylia i mniszek lekarski - para doskonała

    Holy basil and dandelion - a perfect pair

    Perfect combinations are one of the features of the mixtures we prepare for you. Each of them responds to the body's needs and the requirements of today's world. We care about connections, we care about contact with nature. See what...