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By Lune Tea

What are functional teas?

The term "functional tea" has become more and more popular recently. But what does it really mean? Functional tea is one that is intended to help achieve a given goal - a better mood, energy or state of mind. Lovers of tea and all kinds of herbal infusions are well aware of how relaxing a cup of tea with lavender or chamomile can be. There are many types of herbs and teas that will help you achieve relaxation, energy, concentration, better sleep, and a state of inner peace.

Which herbal infusions or teas should you choose, depending on the area in which you need support? Let's take a look at some of the most popular ingredients in functional teas.

Tea to relax

If you are looking for rest and relaxation after a long, tiring day, herbs such as chamomile, lavender or reishi mushrooms will work best. Chamomile and lavender have been used for centuries to soothe and calm the body - also thanks to the high content of essential oils, which additionally affect the sense of smell.

Reishi mushrooms are an adaptogen that lowers blood pressure, so immediately after drinking the infusion you will feel a feeling of blissful inner peace.

If you are looking for peace, we recommend the Inner Peace blend.

Energy tea

When it comes to energy, the best choice will be green tea - both in loose leaf form and powdered form of matcha tea. It contains about 25-35 mg of caffeine, so it can provide a nice energy boost without side effects such as irritability. Matcha is an ideal choice because it also contains l-theanine, a natural relaxant that reduces the effect of irritation in people who are sensitive to caffeine.

If you need energy, we recommend our ceremonial matcha .

Tea for better digestion

Bloating and feeling of heaviness after eating a meal is a nightmare for many people. Decaffeinated infusions of herbs such as peppermint, lemongrass, dandelion or fennel are perfect as a remedy for indigestion.

If you have digestive problems, we recommend our absolute bestseller - Body Detox tea.

Tea for concentration

If you care about concentration, it is worth familiarizing yourself with adaptogens such as ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, or rhodiola rosea. They support cognitive functions and have a positive effect on memory.

Additionally, the ingredients of teas that improve concentration are often yerba mate, gurana and ginseng. These ingredients have been used to stimulate the body for thousands of years.

If you need concentration support, we recommend our yerba mate-based mixture - Brain Booster .
