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By Milena Nosek

Women's Balance - for women's balance

Everything you do every day depends on your health. Mental and physical. Do you take care of these two areas? About their consistency? See how you can support them and get great pleasure from it!

Calmness and a note of peace

Sounds enigmatic? Maybe! But in the Lune Tea Women's Balance blend it really happens. It contains an adaptogen - Rhodiola rosea, which has properties that support the elimination of the effects of stress.

Taking care of balance

Balance is a word with many meanings, here you can gain it by regularly consuming a mixture composed with this in mind. Chasteberry fruit, raspberry leaf and thyme are a promising trio, especially helpful in times of female tension - either under the name PMS or during other hormonal fluctuations. Antispasmodic, naturally, with taste. This way you can get through times that are sometimes harder for us women.

A moment of refreshment

Lemon myrtle, as a plant that also has antispasmodic properties, also cares for the quality of digestion and the well-being of the digestive system. Not only in moments of tension before menstruation, but also during it, indigestion, a feeling of a full stomach, bloating and swelling may occur. Try to balance them out with fresh, refreshing flavors from the blend. The scent itself will also work well.

What's for the eyes is for...

How do you feel when you see something beautiful to eat or drink? Do you enjoy colors, shapes and textures as much as we do? If so - you are already with us! If not yet - open the can, tear off the lid, look calmly, mix, touch. What you feel, plants have done for you. Nature. We just captured them for you!
